
List of bot commands for Contro Bot

Command Description Category Permissions
byebye_remove Remove the welcome configurations for the guild. byebye predicate
byebye_set Set the byebye configurations for the guild. byebye predicate
ping Shows the latency between in the bot and the Discord API. config @everyone
support Shows the support server. config @everyone
version Version and planned features of the bot. config @everyone
rgm Kayıt mesajını gönderir. custom @everyone
dropdown_roles Give roles with dropdown. dropdownroles predicate
logging_channel_remove Removes the logging channel for this guild. events predicate
logging_channel_set Set the logging channel for this guild. events predicate
topgames En çok oynanan oyunları gösterir. gamestats @everyone
playing Aktif olarak oyun oynayanları gösterir. gamestats @everyone
giveaway_remove Removes a giveaway. giveaway predicate
giveaway_show Shows active giveaways on the guild. giveaway predicate
giveaway_create Starts a giveaway. giveaway predicate
giveaway_shuffle Shuffles giveaway participants giveaway predicate
help Komutlar hakkında bilgi alın. help @everyone
invites_leaderboard Shows the invite leaderboard of the server. invites @everyone
invites Shows leaderboard of invites. invites @everyone
give_roles Belirli rolleri üyelere verir. moderation @everyone
set_nick Sets nick for a member. moderation predicate
autorole_set Sets autorole for the guild. moderation predicate
kick Kicks member from the guild. moderation predicate
ban Bans member from the guild. moderation predicate
autorole_remove Removes autorole for the guild. moderation predicate
give_roles_remove Rolleri verebilme ayarlarını sıfırlar. moderation @everyone
filter Filter commands. moderation predicate
send_dm Sends a message to member. moderation predicate
clear Clear messages in a channel. moderation predicate
give_roles_settings Rolleri verebilme ayarlarını yapar. moderation @everyone
reset_nick Resets nick for a member. moderation predicate
unban Bans member from the guild. moderation predicate
contro_guilds Shows guilds. owner predicate
partner Join partner system. partners predicate
bump Bump the server's partner channels with the server invite link. partners @everyone
partner_settings Update partner settings (description and partner_channel) in MongoDB. partners predicate
kayıt_setup Kayıt kanalını ve rollerini ayarlar. register @everyone
kayıt Kayıt olmak için kullanılır. register @everyone
kayıt_settings Changes registration settings. register @everyone
kayıt_channel_remove Removes the age role registration channel. register @everyone
kayıt_settings_show Shows the registration channel. register @everyone
kayıt_channel_set Sets the age role registration channel. register @everyone
set_report_channel Set the channel where reports will be sent. settings predicate
add_starboard Add starboard to your server. starboard @everyone
remove_starboard Remove starboard from your server. starboard @everyone
send_ticket_message Sends a ticket message. ticket @everyone
set_ticket_category Sets the support category channel. ticket predicate
set_ticket_roles Sets the support roles. ticket predicate
uptime No description available uncategorized @everyone
reload No description available uncategorized predicate
emote Shows emote info. utility predicate
download_emojis Fetch emojis of the server. utility predicate
whois Shows member info. utility @everyone
copy_emoji Copy an emoji from another server if the bot is a member of that server. utility predicate
reset_nicknames Resets everyone's nickname. utility predicate
avatar Shows member avatar. utility @everyone
server_info Shows server info. utility @everyone
edit_nicknames Edits everyone's nickname. utility predicate
advertisements Prints all custom activities that are discord invites utility predicate
emoji_list Fetch emojis of the server. utility @everyone
privacy_policy Displays the privacy policy for the bot. utility @everyone
give_everyone gives everyone a role. utility predicate
poll Creates a poll. utility @everyone
set_status_role Sets the custom status and role for the status_role command. utility predicate
membersofrole No description available utility @everyone
upload Uploads a file. utility predicate
welcomer_set Set the welcome configurations for the guild. welcomer predicate
welcomer_remove Remove the welcome configurations for the guild. welcomer predicate